(AKA: Michelle Johnson, AKA: Michelle Greaux).
Initially, we were very proud to witness the convocation of Michelle with her MBA!
Without prejudges,
From the beginning, we were excited and proud to work with of our most recent intern, Michelle Johnson AKA: Michelle Greaux. Mentoring her in her endeavour to gain local experience in her pursuit of and, while studying for her Master’s Degree in Business Administration. (MBA).
Michelle came to work with us as an intern early 2019 soon after she returned to Canada for the third time for the purpose of continuing her education and earning a graduate degree in Business Administration.
Initially, Michelle was an exemplary compliment to the corporation for this voluntary position, with a charming personality. She was a genuine pleasure to work with. She had a captivating smile and a “can do attitude” along with a seemingly unyielding drive to succeed in everything that she did. Furthermore, she was outgoing, pleasant and devoted to her efforts to assimilate into the local professional employment market.
For over two years Michelle exhibited an extraordinary ability to create a “teamwork” environment in the workplace. Everyone that came in to contact with her seemingly enjoyed and often remarked on her congenial, outgoing and outwardly genuine aptitude.
Things began to unravel soon after her graduation and continues to this day.. Michelle began to embark on a pathway of challenging authority, overstepping boundaries and causing mayhem in the workplace.
Management often felt uncomfortable as she outrightly challenged them in their role as her direct superior, often in the presence of subordinates.Z As soon as her behaviour became intolerable, she was summarily dismissed in her role as a “Money Advisor” in a local financial institution.
It wasn’t long after that, that she became mysteriously absent and often unresponsive for weeks on end in addressing her responsibilities with BCBIZDEV.
Since she had left us literally unapprised and baffled as to her commitment altogether, we saw no other option but to dismiss her as well… We were astonished and remain shocked at her delinquent behaviour toward her responsibilities as a writer/intern for the company. To this day, many months later, we have yet to receive any form of explanation or even a letter of resignation. Her level of professionalism is utterly non-existent, as she remains unreachable and invisible.
It is therefore with trepidation and great sadness that we simply cannot recommend her for any role, particularly in management, for any company that requires reliable staff to address issues in a dynamic environment.
Sincerely, Management.